domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

The Spider - A Aranha

alt="aranha, spider, teia, web, seda das aranhas, spider silk"
                                          Fotografia/Photos Nuno Neto Miranda

Esta aranha estava de vigia num canto do meu jardim. A sua teia, delicada mas flexível e resistente, é sem dúvida uma das maravilhas da Natureza. Não me admirava que a seda das aranhas e a construção das suas teias tivessem inspirado os nossos antepassados a começar a fiar as primeiras fibras, entrelaçando-as para criar os primeiros tecidos e malhas. A Natureza sempre foi a fonte de inspiração primordial da Humanidade.

alt="aranha, spider, teia, web, seda das aranhas, spider silk"

This spider was lurking in a corner of my garden. The spider web, delicate yet flexible and resilient, is undoubtedly one of Nature's wonders. I supose spiders with their silk and webs might have inspired our ancestors to start spinning the first fibers, entwining them to create the first fabrics. Nature has always been the ultimate source of inspiration for humans.

7 comentários:

  1. Beautiful pictures! I love taking shots of bugs/insects, as well.

  2. Beautiful, yet haunting. I don't think I could get close enough to take these pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    1. My husband is the photographer, I wouldn't get so close either!

  3. Great pictures! I'm glad this was in your garden and not mine! :-)

  4. agree with nattletarts comment, the pictures of the spider are wonderful, and I really like your background close-up of the spindle, the fiber (wool?) and the bark of the tree, too. It would be interesting to read about the spindle and fiber at some point.
    I don't have a very good camera, but the more I blog, the more I realise that I should probably get myself a good camera, it makes the blog so much more exciting to have good photos in it, I think!
    Thanks for becoming a follower in my blog and for your kind comments, I too translate, not professionally, just for friends and acquaintances, not that too many people in Ireland need stuff translated from Swedish, however. Still that doesn't stop me!

    1. Yes, I intend to talk about the spindle and spinning - which is very new to me, but in which I'm very interested - and about deying wool with food colorings, but with three young kids I have very little time. Hopefully it will be soon enough.
      I should say that my husband is the photographer here, all these lovely photos are his - I'm not that talented.
      Thank you for your nice comments!


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