terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013

Crochet Rug - Tapete em Crochet

alt="crochet rug, tapestry yarn, tapete em crochet, lãs para tapeçaria"
                                          Fotografia/Photos Nuno Neto Miranda

Please scroll down for English

Fiz este tapete em crochet para o quarto dos meus filhos com restos de lã que sobraram do meu projeto de tapeçaria do 9º ano - é verdade, a minha mãe tinha estas lãs guardadas há mais de 25 anos! É uma lã para tapeçaria bastante grossa, difícil de trabalhar, mas fiquei muito satisfeita com o resultado, sobretudo porque os miúdos adoraram e porque finalmente lhe dei um bom destino.

alt="crochet rug, tapestry yarn, tapete em crochet, lãs para tapeçaria"

This is a crochet rug I have made for the kids room with some scrap yarn left from my 9th grade weaving project  - that's right, my mother had this stashed for more than 25 years! It's a very thick tapestry wool yarn, rather difficult to work with, but I was pleased with how it turned out, especially because the kids were thrilled and because I have finally found some good use for it.

alt="crochet rug, tapestry yarn, tapete em crochet, lãs para tapeçaria"

11 comentários:

  1. What lovely colours! Nice warm hues. It looks amazing!

  2. Your mother was wonderful to keep it for you!

  3. What a legacy! Hopping from Crochet Happy link up.

  4. Great rug, the colours are lovely. My mum has yarn that old too which I am slowing taking off her hands :)

  5. That is an amazing rug! The colors pop and it looks like it has a good texture and like it will hold up well.

  6. The rug is really pretty. :)

  7. Wonderful rug. I have plenty of scrap yarn and I have been thinking of making a rug out of it but I don't seem to find the time to do it.

  8. Beautiful!! ♥ I could just snap it from the photo and put it in my hall ;-).

  9. Oh my goodness that is vintage yarn, thank your mom for you. Funny how we save things. It turned out beautifully.

    CrochetDad was gifted some cotton yarn by his mother-in-law when she passed. He made a blanket for his granddaughter using it. That is heritage.


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