quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013

Another Crochet Shawl - Mais Um Xaile em Crochet

Alt="crochet shawl, Eva's Shawl, xaile em crochet"
                                          Fotografia/Photos Nuno Neto Miranda

Mais um xaile em crochet, desta vez para mim. Já fiz dois destes xailes para oferecer à minha mãe e à minha irmã, e este tinha de ser meu. É tão macio e leve! E adoro a cor! Usei um fio muito fino, uma mistura de lã de merino e seda, e uma agulha de crochet de 5mm. Estou muito satisfeita com o resultado. Este modelo, Eva's Shawl, é muito simples mas muito bonito, excelente para uma primeira tentativa. E tenho a certeza de que para mim não será a última!

Another crochet shawl, this time for me. I have already made two of these to give to my mother and my sister, and this one had to be mine. It's so soft and light! And I love this color! I used a merino and silk lace yarn and a 5mm crochet hook, and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. This pattern, Eva´s Shawl,  is very simple but beautiful, really good for a first try. And I'm sure this won't be my last!

Alt="crochet shawl, Eva's shawl, xaile em crochet"

10 comentários:

  1. It is so beautiful, I have been looking for a shawl to make my Mother In Law, this looks like it might be perfect.

    1. I loved to crochet this pattern, so simple and beautiful!

  2. Very Pretty Ana. I am sure you will love wearing it.

  3. Oi!!
    Ficou lindo o xale.
    Tenha um ótimo fim de semana.

  4. Lovely shawl and nice colour. I'm making one with baby yarn because that was the lightest yarn I had on hand (and a 6.5 mm hook) but it doesn't look as light and airy as yours. Since I have to order some yarn i shall try to find some merino and silk lace yarn.

  5. Beautiful!!! Lovely color!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  6. It's so beautiful n the colour lovely

  7. Gorgeous!! ♥ And what a nice color. The shawls for your mother and sister are beautiful as well! I have this pattern on my to-do-list for so long, I'm wondering when I will do it, too ;-)


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